I worked a later shift today and covered two games in the UIL softball state semifinals. The first was a bit challenging because the harshness of the sunlight at the field. Shooting in harsh, mid-day sunlight is hard because you have to tip toe around your shots, waiting for subjects to pass through shade or to face the sun directly. Today was also challenging because it was extremely hot. A thermometer on the outfield scoreboard hit 95 degrees at one time.
Day two of my internship is in the books. After a lot of paperwork and getting acquainted with the newsroom on Tuesday, today I got to go shoot my first two assignments. The first was a local racetrack where drivers can get instruction using their own vehicles (last two photos). The second was a local middle school’s last day of school. Here’s my favorite shots from today:
Today was the first day of my internship at the Austin American-Statesman. I arrived on Monday afternoon after a two-day drive from Indiana. As usually is the case with a new job or internship, the first day basically consisted of a lot of paperwork. I got acquainted with the Statesman’s massive building and the paper’s photo department. Late in the day, my editor sent me out to hunt a few features. I drove over to a local park and made the image below. One thing I’ve noticed immediately is the number of kayakers and cyclists in the city. It’s not the most hard-hitting feature, but I think it works on a compositional level. One of my goals for the summer is to get better hunting and shooting features since it’s an essential skill for daily newspaper photographers. I’m honored to have such a great internship so I’m really looking forward to hitting the ground running with some daily assignments in the coming days.