During my summer internship in Austin, I carried a loaded Holga with me in my car to most of my assignments. Whenever I saw something weird or interesting, I shot a few frames with the plastic camera. I also used it whenever I had the urge to take touristy photos while I was in Texas. Today I picked up the last roll from my trip after having it processed here in Peoria. I know the Holga is thought of as a trendy hipster camera, but I like to use it to get back to basics. You can’t chimp on a Holga, and you have to understand exposures to use the thing. It’s the photographic equivalent of recording an album on a 4-track.

Rick says
Hi, Great shots here! We are currently progressing with the construction of the HolgaDirect website and are hoping to get it live within the next month. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive resource and shop for Holga related photography and cameras. For now you can follow our progress on Twitter or Sign up on the website. (Details Below)
Web: http://www.HolgaDirect.com
Twitter: HolgaDirect (www.twitter.com/HolgaDirect)
LARRY says
freakin’ beautiful.