For the second year in a row, I self-assigned myself the Ducktail Run Rod & Custom Show in Gas City, Ind. The show is part of James Dean weekend in Grant County, Indiana where the film star grew up. The weekend marks the anniversary of his death in a car accident in 1955. As a kid, I grew up going to car shows with my folks and always had a blast at this show in particular. Being the last weekend of September each year, it unofficially marks the end of the car show season in Indiana. It’s an extremely visual event with colorful cars, colorful foliage from the park trees and colorful personalities. As someone who gets paid to make pictures for a living, it’s nice sometimes to get away from the office and the daily grind to make some pictures for myself for fun. I didn’t have any deadlines, picture count quotas or time constraints. I wandered around the park several times and shot things I found interesting.
Georgia says
As always you got some awesome photos. My favorite is the one of Daisy Duck.